Sunday, November 22, 2015


The billboard at St. John’s in Glebe
exhibits two cadaveric upturned hands
holding Scrabble letters –
H and O right, P and E left –
background washed
in Prussian venous blood.

What’s the score for
the single mum this morning
reading the board as two kids hang on
to her en route to preschool?
No double letter square for her:
the dream dried up
a year ago
when he left the game.

Why offer what you cannot give
she wonders?  She crosses the street:
much better this jacaranda
she thinks, free of letters  
and promises but generous
in its carpet of lilac sacrifice.


On this leeward beach
serrated coast
we’ve been cast ashore.
‘Enjoy the last of summer,’ 
they said, as they sailed for home.

Old people –
crinkled smiles,
chatter of the deaf,
500 hens in a cage,
the occasional strutting male,
rooster of the brood.

‘Tomorrow night’s the raffle,’
one grandma croaks,
shrugging off impending death
raising trivial sums
for wives of drought-wracked farmers
in the hinterland.

‘Do you make or write or paint?’ I ask.
‘No.  We’re resting,’ I am told.

Does anyone escape?


Each night each day
I visit places and see faces
long dead and engage
in complex conversations.

The terrain is variable –
it can be on the beach with my dad
or in large and indeterminate buildings:
dreams can include travel on foot
missing plane connections
that are ill-defined
unpreparedness for examinations
or public presentations, arrest
for unintentional gaps in my performance.

Scenes are drawn from memories
stored over seventy years,
encounters and fabrications
that may signal incipient dementia,
losses that chase through my brain –
children running lost in a maze –
and then into open deserts
dark and devoid of sound
beyond which no-one knows.

What does it mean to die in one’s sleep?


Inspired by my experiences at AMPCo 

The sleazes
I’ve met
or had to work with,
have thought of as my friends
been done over by,
exploited, gossiped about,
taken to the cleaners –
you’d think I’d learn
but I don’t.

Or won’t:
probably from a cranky gene
or excessive toilet training
or too much trust and love
in an indulgent childhood
too much soft soap –
too much rope.

I’m a dope
to let it happen.
Sleaze is slippery –
oily fish,
eel, frog or slug 
gets away
with it every day.