Friday, February 24, 2017

The Ides of January

Manhattan’s in the dumps:
the fault’s entirely Trump’s.

There’s lots of snow and ice
and Donald isn’t nice.

You need to mind your feet
to avoid the piles of Tweet.

CNN is in the poo:
Buzzfeed is in there, too.

Vladimir’s his mate but
Angela missed her date.

The Inauguration’s soon –
a waning orange moon…

He’s going to build a wall
but n’er forget those all

who did not vote for Hillary
but for HIM – whose hair is biliary.

But here’s the point my friend:
Trump’s just the start, not end.

You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet:

Lest we forget, lest we forget.


At age seven,
masked and dressed in red silk,
I announced,
before the curtain rose,
 ‘I am the chorus,
‘and I am here to tell you …’

I could not know how hard it is
to foretell even on stage
how players will behave,
but my role mattered
and I received applause.