Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Card

The morning city bus:
She squeezed past me to alight
leaving behind a book,
well read, I judged –  
unusual as most commuters
sit or stand comatose, ears plugged,
in the world of Android.

The traffic sludged to walking pace;
we were nearing the terminus.
I saw her on the footpath,
walking fast to catch the bus again.
She returned to her seat.

I handed her the book.
Quickly she checked and found a card in it.
I’d seen it but had not read it.
She thanked me,
smiling with moist eyes.
“It’s from a dear friend,” she said,
“It keeps me alive.
I don’t have long to live.”

Friday, June 1, 2018


Tell me, doctor, what to do
for blockage in the tubes
that nourish and remove waste
from the gut-loop
that creates and excretes

There’s something wrong this week:
I write no rhymes:
all that I scribble is captive
to the laws of prose.
Has an important digestive enzyme
gone missing?

Or is this a case of literary gall-stones
at pains to stop the flow of bile?
(How can you write poetry without bile?)
Or appendicitis?
(I meant no offence with the parenthetic ode,
or the semi-colon.)

Google-Doc suggests a dose of Joyce
or tincture of Eliot. But you’re the expert
so tell me what to try. 
Maybe IV enthusiasm:
the Royal Wedding has drained me
(especially the sermon) so fluids? Yes, OK.

But what’s that you say?
“More sleep.” 
I waste so much time on sleep –
and then there are the dreams.
You are a hopeless romantic to suggest that
“Poems are made of such things.”

The Exchange

Will they meet in Singapore,
Trump with his VERY, VERY Big Macs,
Little Rocket Man
with his plate of noodles,
and each each with their buttons?

Will they will exchange gifts,
Trump offering geraniums,
Un a basket of rose petals
or a ticking parcel
of enriched metals?
Will they hammer out a deal  
to meet again,
to keep the earth alive till then?
Might Un go to Mar-a-Lago,
lose a game of golf and announce
“The deal’s a no-go” ?

This may be the end.
The afterglow will keep space warm
for millennia or more,
the most incandescent  tribute
to screwed up science
the universe has seen.